Decorative plexiglass with circle of life with wishes


Modern decorative made of transparent plexiglass with dimensions 10x10x2cm with a stylish shiny metal item made of arzanto in a circular shape with wishes and eye bead. Ideal to decorate your space or offered as a thoughtful gift with symbolic character, offering protection and good luck.

It is an ideal gift to give a gift of protection and protection from the sun.

SKU: PGG39 Categories: ,


Χαρακτηριστικά προϊόντος

Υλικά:  Διάφανο plexiglass  και μεταλλικό στοιχείο από αλπακά  (αρζαντό)

Διαστάσεις: 10χ10χ2 cm

Μοτίφ: Κύκλος ζωής

Διαστάσεις μοτίφ: Ø 7  cm